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LE LEADER ÉCOSSAIS fait face à des troubles politiques au milieu d’un conflit climatique

LE LEADER ÉCOSSAIS fait face à des troubles politiques au milieu d’un conflit climatique

- Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf has firmly stated he will not step down, even though he faces a no-confidence vote. This situation arose after he terminated a three-year collaboration with the Greens, leaving his Scottish National Party in control of a minority government.

The conflict started when Yousaf and the Greens disagreed on how to handle climate change policies. As a result, the Scottish Conservatives have put forward a no-confidence motion against him. This critical vote is set for next week in the Scottish Parliament.

With the withdrawal of support from the Greens, Yousaf’s party now lacks two seats to hold a majority. If he loses this upcoming vote, it could lead to his resignation and potentially prompt an early election in Scotland, which isn’t scheduled until 2026.

This political instability highlights deep divisions within Scottish politics over environmental strategies and governance, posing significant challenges for Yousaf’s leadership as he navigates these turbulent waters without sufficient backing from former allies.

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